Thursday 22 April 2010

Question 7 - Anam Nasir

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I have learnt a lot from our preliminary task and as we progressed to our full product.
In our preliminary task we didn’t use our storyboard effectively and filmed our shots too wide, which made the viewers concentrate on the surroundings more than the characters.
When we moved to our final product we made sure we included voyeurism in our film as Hitchcock has celebrated in his films, like Psycho and Rear Window.
To suggest violence we wanted to use a silhouette, however this did not work well with our film, therefore we used blooded hands washing against a pure white sink. This was to show that the sink had come against something impure.
We used the 180 degree rule in our preliminary task as the two characters had a conversation.

Within our 180 degree rule we did a shot/reverse shot to orient the viewer so they can see a relationship between the two characters.
We included a match on action shot in our film, this worked well as we had a mid shot of Victoria Jones turning a page in her book, then it cuts to a point of view shot of the character continuing to turn the page. This worked well as we edited it to create a sense of continuity.

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