Thursday 22 April 2010

Question 3 - Anam Nasir

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our media production company name is ‘H.B.N Productions’, this was suitable as it made sense to name our production company with our initial in it. We did not make a logo for our production company, due to the amount of time we had. However if we did have time to design a logo it would most probably look like the Sony Pictures logo.

A production company is responsible for the development of a product. They may also be responsible for raising and funding for the product.
Using 20th Century Fox as my distributor would be suitable as they have distributed many successful thriller films like: Mirrors, Max Payne and Blindness.
Ideally I would think the money for a film like ours would come from the UK Film Council which awards funds from The National Lottery. They mention on their site that they “fund script development, film production, short films, film export and distribution, cinemas, film education, culture and archives, festivals and audience support schemes”. (Click on quote to visit site).
When ordering our films titles, we were confused about what appears on screen first. We looked at other film openings which help us decide what order to do this in. we came to a decision of having the production company’s name first and then the list of film makers and then finally the title of the film. We got this idea from the opening sequence of Se7en. (Click on the Se7en link to watch the opening sequence.)
Institutionally our film would be released in a similar way to the thriller films, Se7en and Final Destination; both have been distributed by New Line Cinema.

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