Thursday 4 February 2010

Product research-Dead Ringers ((BY AMEENA))

Mise-en-scene- The red background in the title sequence, has violent yet lustful, and passionate connotations to it. It relates to the narrative, as the medical instruments hint at the violence. 

Font- The white font stands out amongst the red background. It may suggest the purity, or lack of it as there is only a limited amount of the white colour in the title sequence. 

Music- The music in the title sequence, seems quite subtle. The music doesn't seem to suggest anything about the film, as it seems normal. There isn't really anything sinister about it. The music also seems more bass, then stereotypical thriller films, which generally use high pitched violins and staccato notes, to relate to the narrative. 
The use of the images, in the title sequences, such as the one particular image of the two babies inside a womb, is symbolic to the narrative. 

The thing we would like to include in our thriller opening from the Dead Ringers opening, is the symbolic images/use of symbolism, and the colour red, because of the connotations it suggests. 


[sorry i couldnt connect it yet.] 

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