Sunday 7 February 2010

Audience Research

In order to understand our Target Audiences requirements, we asked twenty 15-21 year old males and females to fill in a questionnaire to learn about their intake on films. We asked questions to see how much they were interested in films and what they expected in films in order to understand how to make our opening thriller scene suitable for our Target Audience. Here are some of the results we collected; this will help us process our film making. Because they watch quite a lot of films, we know they would have high expectations of the Opening Thriller.

When making our Thriller Opening we would need to concentrate on using techniques with
- Camera angle/movement
- Mise-en-scene
- Narrative
- Editing
- Sound
to help us develop a creation of mystery, as this is what is conventional for a thriller film.

Story and Charcters are main elements we would need to consider when making our Opening Thriller as these are the two essentials our Target Audience are interested in.

Our questionnaire has helped us develop more ideas on how to make our Opening Thriller suitable for our Target Audience.

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