Thursday 11 February 2010

Audience Research

We asked what our audiences interests were to try to gain a better understanding of how to target them effectively. This means that when deciding on characters we are able to create a protagonist that the audience will be able to relate to. Overall, our results told us that our audience we interested in music, this means that with an effective use of music we can target them correctly.

We also asked them which genre they prefer to watch; when choosing a film and our results told us comedy and romance were most popular. This means that we be able to target our audience even more effectively by including elements of these genres.

We also asked them to state their favourite thriller film and found that out of all our questionaires the films chosen the most were 'Seven' and 'Saw'. This means that when we come to deciding on our narrative we can use them as influences. Although 'Saw' is a horror rather than a thiller it tells us that our audience are not that sure on the difference between the two genres so we can include elements of horror in our opening.

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