Thursday 21 January 2010

Preliminary task-final cut

This is our final cut of our preliminary task, whilst filming it we came across a number of problems. For example the first two scenes we shot were out of focus, as we did not realise that our camera was on manual focus, although we could not get the same shot so we had to just carry on and didn’t use all the out of focus shots filmed.
After we had filmed we realised that we had not used shot-reverse-shot successfully and therefore hadn’t fulfilled the brief. To overcome this we had to film additional scenes however, we did not have access to the same room but as we did not have any other time to film so we found a room with a similar mise-en-scene and used a close-up in order to cover up the parts in the setting that were not included in the room we originally filmed in.

When we were filming in the corridor we had to re-do the shot a number of times due to people walking down and going in and out of rooms. We also came across similar problems whilst filming in the classroom at break time and end of lessons while students were changing rooms, we had to wait until the noise had stopped which made filming more time-consuming giving us less time to edit.

Post by Holly, Ameena, Anam and Georgina.

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