Monday 25 January 2010

Audience Research Questions


1. Gender: Male Female

2. Ethnicity: ______________

3. Social Class: Working Middle Upper

4. What are your interests?

Sports Music Science Reading Films Internet Fashion Celebrity

Other (please state)___________________

5. What is your favourite genre of film?

Comedy Romance Horror Thriller Action

Fantasy Sci-fi Social Realism

Other (please state)____________________

6. Do you have a favourite thriller film?

Please state _________________

7.Why is this your favourite thriller?

Characters Story Setting Soundtrack

Twists Actors Suspense Other:_______________________

8. What do you expect from the opening sequence of a thriller film?

Introduction to characters Creation of mystery

Establishing atmosphere Use of symbolism

9. How often do you watch films?

Everyday Once a week Once a month

2-3 times a month Hardly ever Never

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