Tuesday 30 March 2010

30th March

Yesterday, after putting together our rough cut we found that it was not even a minute long and we had no more footage to add. To overcome this today we filmed additional scenes to make it longer and begin the narrative more effectively. After uploading it we found the shots we want to use and put some of them in a rough order so when we come to edit tomorrow we can concentrate on getting the timing right.

Then all we have left to finish is the sound and titles, we have planned to do our voiceover tomorrow at lunch as we had to delay it due to the fact we were unable to find someone with the right voice to do it. Once we have done the voiceover we will be able to find the right music since it’s difficult to know if they will sound right together and we only have to add the text to the titles, and then upload them on to i-movie.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

17th March

Today we have a media synoptic day, We have made a plan for what we hope to get done.

Period 1: Drawings for the credits, look for music and preparing the script for the voice-over
Period 2: Recording the voice-over
Period 3 &4: Filming in the library 
Period 5: Uploading the footage taken in the library
Period 6: Filming in the classroom.
Period 7: Uploading
By Holly, Ameena and Anam

Tuesday 16 March 2010

15th March 2010

Test Scan
We decided to test what the scans of our images for our credits would look and found that in order to make it more effective and look better on screen we had to use a thicker pen and scan it in a higher resolution. We also found that we had to scan it in landscape rather than portrait for it too take up all of the screen.

Test Shot
When we uploaded our test scan we then decided to see how it looked in a video format. We originally set the shot to 16:9, which left us with black edges to the shot, so we had to change the format so we got rid of the black sides. This made the film look more professional.

By Anam and Ameena

Thursday 11 March 2010


We have been looking at old fairytale images for the title sequence of our opening, we worried about images being copy-righted so to overcome this we will choose images and trace/copy them and edit them slightly. This will also ensure that the images will be big enough to look good on screen and all be of the same quality and similar style. We will have to use 5 images overall for each title.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

2nd March 2010

Today, we looked at images from the internet to inspire us with the look we were looking for by looking at images on Google of different face paintings.

We looked at images of circle eye contacts that might fit for our finished look for our serial muderer as worn by Lady Gaga in her Bad Romance Video.
We also thought about having an extreme close-up of the eye like in Psycho (1960), to make the scene more dramatic.

Monday 8 March 2010

Product Research

Blue Velvet Opening Scene

  • Camera tilt from blue sky to picket fences and open bud roses-representing new life and birth
    Red fire brigade suggests a sense of danger or fire.
  • This contrasts with the man on the fire brigade smiling and waving at the camera, (the villagers).
  • Kids passing by a zebra crossing suggests innocence
  • An old man watering plants- stereotypical for someone to be doing this in the suburbs.
  • Woman inside watching a film on TV - a man with a gun in the film she’s watching this suggests possible violence involved later in the film.
  • As the hose water pressure gets high-the tension in the scene builds up as does the music.
  • A knot in the hose with the branch could relate to the man suffering with a knot in his veins.
  • The branch represents life as the knot ties the branch it’s coming to an end for the branch- relating back to the man watering the plants.
  • Camera tracking into grass at the end suggesting discovery, exploration and examination.